Month: April 2022



Join-In Antarctica was a monthly programme of fun & educational online sessions for young people* in Scouting based on the Kent Scouts ReQuest2021 Antarctica Project. All sessions were free to attend and the recordings are now freely available on YouTube but we welcome donations to the REQUEST FUND.

Join-In Antarctica – SESSION 1: THE EXPEDITION

Sat 26th March 2022 2PM – 4PM
Led by: Alan Noake

Find out all about the Kent Scouts REQUEST2021 Team’s adventures in Antarctica – Icebergs, Wildlife, Climate Change, Scouting Polar History, Sailing & Projects.


Sat 30th April 2022 2PM – 4PM

Led by: Joanna Grochowicz – Shackleton’s Endurance: An Antarctic Survival Story

Antarctic historian Joanna Grochowicz has made this incredible survival story very accessible for younger readers. Without a doubt, this biography is well-researched, and the style is highly readable. Joanna will be sharing stories about what motivated her to write the book.

Join-In Antarctica – SESSION 3: GRAPHIC NOVEL

Sat 28th May 2022 2PM – 4PM
Led by: David Butler & Gavin Mccumiskey – Shackleton: The Voyage of the James Caird

Comic book author Gavin McCumiskey and illustrator David Butler discuss the story behind the creation of their graphic novel, titled: ‘Shackleton – The Voyage of the James Caird: A Graphic Account’, which celebrates one of the greatest feats of leadership and survival ever recorded.

Join-In Antarctica – SESSION 4: CLIMATE QUEST

Sat 25th June 2022 2PM – 4PM
Led by: Lucy Morgan & Darcey Holmes – Climate Quest 2 PLUS other Home Activities

Lucy & Darcey share their thoughts about ‘Art & Antarctica’ and ‘ Climate Change’. Packed with ideas for fun activities, challenging Scouting & Guiding members to achieve their ‘stop climate change’ badge at home.

Join-In Antarctica – SESSION 5: LIVE FROM KIJ

Sat 30th July – Sat 6th August 2022
Led by: The REQUEST Team – Livestream from Kent International Jamboree

The REQUEST2021 team will be participating in the Global World Challenge zone at the Jamboree. They will share some of the experience remotely live from the event.


All sessions are free to attend but we welcome donations to the REQUEST FUND.

ReQuest2021 Podcast Ep.30

EPISODE 30 – Friday 1st April 2022 – DRAKE OUT

This episode is entitled DRAKE OUT and covers our five days sailing across the infamous Drake Passage between South America and the Antarctic Peninsula. It includes among other things: Sam discussing his personal project which involved deploying Argo Floats in the Drake; Alex chilling out while strumming his guitar; spotting an Albatross; some recordings of one of our sail training theory sessions and Darcey’s knitting lessons!

There is also the REQUEST interview with our fellow passenger – Aurelie Bringer – a French woman from near Marseille in the South of France who was on White Watch with Genevieve, Darcey and I.

00:00 Theme Music – “Antarctica”

00:45 Cabin port hole sound

01:07 Welcome Message

02:23 Sam – discussing Argo Float project

04:20 Ship creaking / Alex chilling out while strumming his guitar in the ship’s library

06:30 Waves in the Drake / George warming his hands

07:21 Midnight on 2nd January – Just finishing watch (Wind noise in background!)

07:58 Alan on deck – White Watch – 3rd January

12:43 Alan – update – no visit to Elephant Island.

13:16 Alan relieving no-one on watch / Chatting to Paul / Albatross flying by!

19:42 3.30am 4th January 2022 – Waking up for 4am watch / Alan on lookout

21:50 Ship creaking in the early hours

22:36 Sail training with Benthe – Sails

25:22 Sail training with Benthe – Lines

33:57 Alex hoovering his kilt

35:00 Team chatting in the deck house / Knitting lessons from Darcey

37:32 REQUEST interview with Aurelie (Take 1 – at the helm – interview abandoned)

41:43 REQUEST interview with Aurelie (Take 2 – recorded in better sound conditions)

53:40 Closing Message

54:15 Theme Music – “Antarctica”

54:46 END