Category: Wildlife


ReQuest2021 Podcast Ep. 3

EPISODE 3 – Thursday 2nd January 2020 – Antarctica In An Icebox, 10 incredible things you should really know about Krill and an interview with Lucy Morgan.

A podcast documenting the Kent Scouts #ReQuest2021 Research Project all the way to Antarctica and back again! Interviews, Scouting historical links, events and research project work recorded along the way. Part of Alan Noake’s Antarctic Soundscapes project.

Lucy Morgan

Show Notes

Lucy Morgan’s Climate Change Blog…

Query – Lucy Morgan’s ReQuest2021 mascot!

Lucy Morgan’s – sponsorship link…

Facebook group for T.A.S.K. The Antarctica Scout Krill project :

Our Fundraising Ladder with lots of ways you can follow and support the project….

ReQuest2021 Online Advent Calendar – Day 23

23 Antarctica photos that will inspire your next adventure…

ReQuest2021 Online Advent Calendar – Day 20


Antarctica2020 is a group of influencers from the world of sport, politics, business, media and science, that are building support for the protection of more than 7 million square kilometers of the Southern Ocean by 2020, through the establishment of a network of large-scale marine protected areas in the region.



ReQuest2021 Online Advent Calendar – Day 17

17 Different Species of Penguin

There are typically 17 different species of penguin recognised as living in the world today. Each species belongs to a larger grouping of closely related species known as a genus. The living penguins comprise six genera (the plural of genus): Aptenodytes, Eudyptes, Eudyptula, Megadyptes, Pygoscelis, and Spheniscus


However, of the 17 species of penguins in the world, only seven can actually be found Antarctica itself – Adelie; Emperor; Chinstrap; Gentoo; King; Macaroni; Rockhopper.


ReQuest2021 Online Advent Calendar – Day 15

15 Enchanting Antarctica Images

It is often said that it’s impossible to take a bad picture in Antarctica. Everywhere you turn on the Great White Continent, it seems there’s another cute penguin, diving seal, surfacing whale. And that’s not even mentioning all the colossal glaciers, historic monuments, and stunning ice-laden shorelines just dying to fill up your flash drive.

But while the following Antarctica photos are all fantastic, they’re no substitute for the real thing. Enjoy them only as a primer to your own Antarctica adventure…

ReQuest2021 Online Advent Calendar – Day 11

Find out all about our 11 varied ReQuest2021 Antarctic Research Projects


ReQuest2021 Online Advent Calendar – Day 10

10 Strange Things Found Frozen In Ice In Antarctica

“And the number one item is…?”

ReQuest2021 Online Advent Calendar – Day 9

Nine Astounding Antarctica Bird Facts

“Antarctica is a fantastic cruise destination for birdwatchers. There are some 46 different species for you to check off your wish-list, with over 100 million individuals coming together on our southern continent to breed along the coastlines and offshore islands every year.

With that many birds on the horizon there’s no way we can brief you on them all. So here are nine fascinating facts to whet your Antarctic appetite.”
